Tower of Guns

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Release date : 10/04/2015
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter
  • 1.15 Go

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Tower of Guns is a fast-paced, bullet-hell, first person shooter with randomized levels and enemies, power ups, epic bosses and tons of unlockable items and weapons. You never know what to expect next!

It is a pure FPS experience for players who just want to shoot stuff, battle gigantic bosses, collect loot, and upgrade their abilities and weapons to insane levels! So grab a rocket launcher, slap a shotgun modifier on it, pick up a hundred stackable double jumps and go conquer the Tower of Guns!

- Randomized levels make every playthrough unique.
- Plenty of weapons, mods, abilities and perks.
- Countless secrets to find.
- Epic boss battles.
- Global Leaderboards to see if you are the toughest player around.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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