Ashen Creatures Bundle

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • تاريخ النشر : 29/07/2020
  • Action & Adventure

أنظر الى أسعار Ashen Creatures Bundle

لم يتم تحديث هذه اللعبة من 96h مضت. جارٍ تحديث السعر
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Fancy some unique pets that may be cursed, but have all the more charm and style for it? Look no further than the Ashen Curse Ragamuffin and Marmoset, available together in this bundle! This poor kitty and monkey have been afflicted by a fiery curse that affects some travellers lost in The Devil’s Roar, causing them to turn undead and smoulder with inner fire.

This bundle also includes 1000 Ancient Coins so that you can grab other items or pets to complement your hot new style, plus a free bonus of 25,000 gold for use at the Outpost shops!

The Ashen Creatures Bundle contains 1000 Ancient Coins, the Ashen Curse Ragamuffin, the Ashen Curse Marmoset and a bonus of 25,000 gold.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Ashen Creatures Bundle هو DLC يعمل على هذه الألعاب


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