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  • تاريخ النشر : 02/09/2021
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أنظر الى أسعار FINAL FANTASY XIII

لم يتم تحديث هذه اللعبة من 96h مضت. جارٍ تحديث السعر
The refresh has been placed in pile. Position 1 on 6 ..

إذا كنت تشتري لعبة من خلال بطاقة هدايا، يرجى استخدام متصفحك واستخدام موقعي. سوف أتلقى عمولة صغيرة، تسمح لي بدفع السيرفر، الخ. هذا يساعدني بشكل كبير، ولن يكون لديك أي تكاليف إضافية عند الدفع. شكرا!

تاريخ السعر

سعر (EUR)
Jan 2023
Jan 2024
Jan 2025


This game requires DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) to be installed.
Depending on your system, it may not install correctly.
In this case, please download and install it from the following link.
If you are unable to access the above URL, please contact the Microsoft Store support.

Final Fantasy XIII has now arrived on Windows 10!

Featuring stunning and atmospheric gameplay, awe-inspiring visuals and sound, and a hugely expanded battle system. Combat is swift and tactical with a new Active Time Battle system, and the unique Paradigm Shift mechanic allows you to instantly switch your party members' roles to alter the flow of battle. The series' traditional Eidolons also see a return with Gestalt Mode, a feature that lets them transform into powerful mounts or vehicles for an unbelievable show.

Cocoon: a paradise world floating in the skies above, where the people live in peace and stability thanks to the beneficence of the godlike Fal'Cie. The citizens' one and only fear is Gran Pulse, the untamed world below. These two worlds have been strictly separated since time immemorial, until one day, everything changes forever...

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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