SnowRunner - Season 11: Lights & Cameras

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • تاريخ النشر : 19/10/2023
  • Simulation
  • 0.01 Go

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أنظر الى أسعار SnowRunner - Season 11: Lights & Cameras

إذا كنت تشتري لعبة من خلال بطاقة هدايا، يرجى استخدام متصفحك واستخدام موقعي. سوف أتلقى عمولة صغيرة، تسمح لي بدفع السيرفر، الخ. هذا يساعدني بشكل كبير، ولن يكون لديك أي تكاليف إضافية عند الدفع. شكرا!

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Season 11: Lights & Cameras is included in the Year 3 Pass.

Requires the base game SnowRunner to run.

Lights, camera… action! Deliver equipment for the shooting of an exciting action movie deep in the valleys of Scandinavia and help the local ski resort renovate their infrastructure before the next winter season with 2 new trucks across 2 new winter maps.

The Season 11: Lights & Cameras DLC includes:

• Two new 4km² Scandinavian maps: Visit Mountain Ridge and By the Lake in a brand-new region inspired by the Nordic landscapes of Norway, Sweden and Finland.
• Two new vehicles: Go behind the wheel of the Burlak 6x6, the largest, most powerful scout to date, and the Neo Falcon 2000, a versatile new scout with exceptional ground clearance.
• New activities: Construct urban sets for the movie studio by building facades, delivering equipment and preparing the terrain before shooting takes place, in addition to fixing the region’s ski infrastructure ahead of the next winter season.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

SnowRunner - Season 11: Lights & Cameras هو DLC يعمل على هذه الألعاب

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SnowRunner - Season 11: Lights & Cameras متوفرة في هذه الحزم


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