This pack includes:
5000 Golden Eagles
Premium account for 30 days
Unique title: "Future belongs to the Snail"
Unique decal: "Snail Gastropodsky"
The year is 2999,99. My name is Snail. My world is war and thunder. Once, I was a regular snail. A shelled gastropod searching for a righteous cause. As our capture points were taken, each of us in our own way were broken. It was hard to know who was more crazy... me... or everyone else. I am the one that slowly crawls from both the living and the dead. Hunted by Reds, haunted by those Blues I could not protect. So I exist in this wasteland, reduced to one instinct: to protect the D point.
War Thunder - Snail Gastropodsky Pack هو DLC يعمل على هذه الألعاب