Werewolf: The Apocalypse — Heart of the Forest

  1. Games
  • Games
  • تاريخ النشر : 24/02/2021
  • Action & Adventure, Role Playing
  • 0.88 Go

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أنظر الى أسعار Werewolf: The Apocalypse — Heart of the Forest

إذا كنت تشتري لعبة من خلال بطاقة هدايا، يرجى استخدام متصفحك واستخدام موقعي. سوف أتلقى عمولة صغيرة، تسمح لي بدفع السيرفر، الخ. هذا يساعدني بشكل كبير، ولن يكون لديك أي تكاليف إضافية عند الدفع. شكرا!

تاريخ السعر

سعر (EUR)
Jan 2022
Jan 2023
Jan 2024
Jan 2025


Explore the myths and monsters of Europe’s last primeval wilderness. Play as Maia, who arrives at the ancient Białowieża Forest looking to explore her family history. Visit real-world places of mystery and power. Witness how nature clashes with technology and greed.

Heart of the Forest adapts the mechanics of the legendary title from the World of Darkness universe, emulating the experience of a classic role-playing session. It’s tailored for World of Darkness veterans and newcomers looking for an accessible entry into this rich, acclaimed universe.

Discover beautiful, distinctive collage art that combines hand-illustrated characters with pictures of real places to inspire your imagination. Make tough choices that often bring dramatic consequences.

They teach you to fear rather than to be angry, but fear solves nothing.
Rage gets things done.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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