The problem of the Turkish store!

A brief information about the TURKISH store.

As you know, TRY gift cards (TL) have been back!
Even if the prices of the Turkish store have gone up, it can still be interesting (as for HITMAN 2, Darksider 3, etc).

But I would like to warn you about a problem with this store that seems to affect a lot of people.

When you add your TRY gift cards to your Microsoft account, no problem, it works.

However, when attempting to purchase, you have an error telling you to contact Microsoft Support…
Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Your Turkish balance is not lost!

There are several theories to this, either a bug in the Turkish store, or a security implemented by Microsoft for this store….

Why? No idea:(

How to solve the problem?

It’s simple: wait!
According to several returns, it would be necessary to wait a few days without making any attempt to buy on the Turkish store. It’s 48 to 72 hours.

Personally, to buy Metro Exodus, I had to wait 3 days without making any attempt to buy it.

So if you want to buy a game on the Turkish store, do it in advance!

Your feedback

Feel free to give your feedback in comments.
How many days did you wait? What games? Have you made any attempts to purchase during this period?

In order to advance the problem 😉

113 Replies to “The problem of the Turkish store!”

  1. HandlarzMirek says:

    I bought Ultimate for FH4 a few days ago. 3 giftcards, 1st attempt without any problems or errors

    1. anakin says:

      Once your account has been credited, did you need to use a vpn to make the purchase?

      1. Julien Huriez says:

        No you dont need VPN 😉 Just follow the tutorial

        1. anakin says:

          Awesome! Thank you 🙂

      2. HandlarzMirek says:


  2. Spajk HD says:

    It’s not possible to add turkish giftcards to account balance without VPN? I know that the only one method (?) is to use a gift card when I will try to buy a game but without VPN I can’t increase my MS wallet on turkish region. Right?

    1. Spajk HD says:

      And also I bought a Just Cause 3 today at 8 am in Poland with turkish gift cards and i haven’t any problems.

      1. Julien Huriez says:

        Great, you’re not concerned about the problem, so 😉

      2. Vic The Best says:

        So you have activated Gold on your account – from your country or the Turkish one?

        Is it also possible to activate “Turkish” Xbox Gold for me? Do I need VPN for that? Question for Julien maybe 😀

        1. Julien Huriez says:

          Hmm, for Gold subscription,

          in theory it works on foreign stores, if you pay with the gift card method.

          But I’ve never tried it.

          Also, your Gold subscription must have already expired before you can take it back on a foreign store.

          1. Vic The Best says:

            I see some good price for “Brasil” Xbox Live Gold for 12 months on mtcgame, but you need VPN for that.

            I wonder if I could activate it and then through Turkish gift cards buy games. When I think about it, it should not be a problem, or yes?

          2. Julien Huriez says:

            Exactly, you need VPN if you buy game or subscription from mtcgame.
            And I don’t recommend using VPN, it doesn’t always work, and especially Microsoft doesn’t like it

            So risk of ban or account blocking:
            At your own risk.

            But otherwise, no worries, you can have a gold subscription on the Brazilian store, and buy games on the Turkish store

          3. Vic The Best says:

            Thanks for explaining man 🙂

        2. Spajk HD says:

          I bought Gold on my region (Polish MS store). I only buy games on other regions because they are way cheaper 😉

    2. Julien Huriez says:

      Yes of course, you can add turkish giftcard to your account balance without VPN!

      The problem is not about adding turkish giftcard to the account.
      It concerns the purchase of games with the balance of your Microsoft account on the turkish store 😉

      1. Tommy Tomorrow says:

        I’ve bought three Turkish gift cards a week ago and I couldn’t add them to my credit balance directly from my account options but I’ve solved the problem the other way. When you click buy (doesn’t matter which game) you can choose payment method, there you can add gift cards to your account balance then cancel the order.

        1. Julien Huriez says:

          Exactly, like explain in the tutorial, you must add giftcard to your balance from a game page 😉

        2. Spajk HD says:

          Thanks. You help me a lot 🙂

      2. disqus_J9jv4dgyz3 says:

        I have a same problem. MS balance is ok and there is money from giftcard, but I can’t purchase anything. Does anyone knows what to to in this scenario?

        1. Julien Huriez says:

          Like describe in this post,
          it’s a problem that happens to a lot of people
          I advise you to wait 48 or 72 hours without making a purchase on stores, then try again.

          1. disqus_J9jv4dgyz3 says:

            Cheers Mate

          2. vincentee says:

            Aye mate, care to give a update?

    3. nobodyISperfect says:

      To add currency from a gift card – u have to first pick up a game which is higher ammount than the gift card, and “pay” via gift card- then your ballance would be added.

  3. Sidney Sales says:

    I can buy the games in turkish store direct in the xbox live with my credit card international with vpn or still blocked for buy with vpn?

    1. Julien Huriez says:

      No still blocked for buy with vpn, sadly 🙁

      Only giftcard method works

  4. Edder Rivera says:

    I bought Dragon Ball Fighter Z in the turkish store, FH3 in the russian store, and XBox live gold 12 months in the argentinian store, I used a debit card and live in Honduras. All directly without giftcards, cant see why you guys cant buy it? I simply changed my billing address

    1. Julien Huriez says:

      You are lucky 😀 When was your last purchase?

      1. Edder Rivera says:

        2 months ago, where are you from?

        1. Julien Huriez says:

          Ok Thank ! France

    2. nobodyISperfect says:

      Hello! this is very interesting as Microsoft have blocked CC which are not from a direct countries where you want to buy an app or game.
      What kind of Credit Card you are using?

  5. Gav Roberts says:

    Is there any update on this yet? I want to buy hitman

    1. Julien Huriez says:

      No update,

      But you can buy HITMAN 2 on the US store 😉
      60 USD giftcard on G2A = 44EUR

  6. John says:

    I put a gift card in Sunday tried a few times trying to redeem the balance sadly it’s not working

    1. R W says:

      Any further luck? It’s not working for me at all.

      1. John says:

        Tried again yesterday and no luck, looks like the balance on that gift card now is worthless

  7. John says:

    Sorry what I mean is I redeemed the balance on my account but when i try to buy something it’s still saying payment can’t be processed even though I’ve a few times on the Sunday and the Monday

    1. James says:

      I’m in the same position. Been trying to buy Nier Automata since Saturday but still not going through

      1. Julien Huriez says:

        Read the post, it’s a security from Microsoft, only for the turkish store.
        You need to wait 2-3 days without any attempt to purchase, and retry.

        1. R W says:

          Incorrect. Many people have been waiting longer than 72 hours and it simply will not work.

          I just waited 84 hours and it still failed. It seems, for some, buying gift cards for Turkey is a no go at the moment.

          1. Julien Huriez says:

            Yes, we don’t know the exact cause, nor the exact method to solve the problem.
            Some people waited 2-3 days, others a week, and others were able to buy from the start…

          2. James says:

            Just wanted to provide an update. I waited the 3 days without attempting to buy and somehow miraculously it worked tonight. No VPN nor credit/debit card linked. Only an incognito Chrome browser on my phone. Not sure what else to suggest other than clearing cookies and browser caches and removing all non-gift card payment methods if not done already. It seems like it should work at some point but as previously stated by Julien the length of time is unknown.

          3. Julien Huriez says:

            Nice! thank you for your feedback

          4. John says:

            Glad it’s working for you I’ve just tried again after 4 days and still no luck, i even tried removing the credit card I had associated for the turkey store account and trying again but still no luck.
            I have some other active subscriptions from some other stores before the block came into place, maybe it’s got something to do with that

    2. Julien Huriez says:

      Read the post, it’s a security from Microsoft, only for the turkish store.
      You need to wait 2-3 days without any attempt to purchase, and retry

  8. R W says:

    Bought gift card on Tuesday 13 November. Added to account easily. I tried to purchase a game but it never worked. I then waited 48 hours until Friday. No luck on Sunday.

    I then waited until Thursday (84 hours) and still, it wouldn’t work.

  9. Antonio Mairlon says:

    i wait 72h and still dont work 🙁
    anyone knows a best way to solve this?

  10. Yassine Zokhrouf says:

    any news ? (only 2 days left on black friday offers)

  11. Yassine Zokhrouf says:

    Any news ? (only 2 days left for the black friday offers)

  12. Erik says:

    So to clarify (for future purchases as I’m probably not going to be going to be able buy anything now due to the waiting period), I have to add a credit card with a Turkish address and then I should be able to purchase the game once the waiting period is over? If so, are there any specific addresses that have worked in the past that are guaranteed to work. I don’t want to mess up with an invalid address and endure the waiting period all over again!

  13. Niko Zelenik says:

    @julienhuriez:disqus wait so, why are you so sure that it’s necessary not to attempt buying it for the method to work? +Did a lot of other people confirm this to be working? Thanks:)

    1. Julien Huriez says:

      I’m not sure, it’s just a guess. 😉
      But yes, several people (including myself) have been able to confirm that

  14. Niko Zelenik says:

    I did some asking around and there supposedly is no timer that restarts, and it takes around 72-96h most of the time.

    1. emcel says:

      I did the following:
      1. revived my older xone account that I made in UK.
      2. bought stardew valley from BRA store, fair enough, everything worked.
      3. topped up TRY gift cards. Tried to buy stuff, didn’t work.
      4. at this point i think i f-up, because I bought POL gold subscription for a month.
      5. tried to buy games from TRY for three days, didn’t work.
      6. I’ve waited 3 days (72hrs) without trying to buy anything. today I supposed to be able to buy things, but I still got an error.
      At this point idk whether I should wait about a week or something before trying to buy anything, or just try every day. It seems shady af because hey, I literally gave them my money and now can’t access it.

      I remember last year, I tried to buy xone console while being in UK, and there was a promo in switzerland. Payment went through. They even called me if I made a purchase. I confirmed. Then they cancelled it, for no reason. I waited for refund about two weeks.

      I know it’s unrelated but it every time there’s some stupid things on their side I think I’d be better of with ps4…

      1. Niko Zelenik says:

        This is such a rollercoaster ride, I’m gonna die

        1. emcel says:

          I think we might need to be patient my dude

          1. Niko says:

            OMG I just noticed you and @disqus_tbFTom5Qtg:disqus both have running subscriptions in other countries, it must have something to do with that

          2. emcel says:

            which countries? We might be able to narrow it down to list of countries with acceptable gold subscription.

          3. Niko says:

            Probably all non-turkish countries

          4. emcel says:

            I got it to work! haha! I waited 3 more days and managed to buy rocket league key. other deals with gold appears to be working as well, it shows the proper price even with POL gold. So, patience is the key here. I’ll post again when I buy something with a nice deal. Shame I didn’t do it before black week, I really wanted to buy PES2019 for a pocket change.

          5. Niko says:

            Damn, I hope mine works tomorrow

          6. Julien Huriez says:

            Nice! thanks for your feedback 😀

          7. Niko says:

            It worked for me as well yesterday, after exactly 72h

          8. emcel says:

            great to hear that man!

  15. Texas Lonestar says:

    Is there any way to buy Fortnite – Standard Founder’s Pack from Turkey as a gift and then activate it in Europe?

    1. Julien Huriez says:

      Nope, you need to buy it directly with you microsoft account, on the turkish store.
      The “as gift” option doesn’t work properly on foreign region

      It’s possible on the turkish store 😉

      1. Texas Lonestar says:

        Thank you for fast response!

  16. Tiago Caldevilla says:

    Well i think is a dead end i am without almost 24$ in turkey balance ( bought gift cards and reedemed) , since i tryed to buy BF5 in Turkey , and after not working and reading all your comments i decided to give it a wait of 85 hours or so , well guess what it’s the same , im somehow blacklisted , its always a no go no matter what :(.

    1. Julien Huriez says:

      Try it again every other day, or every day, it will finally unlock.

  17. bloody says:

    Yeah it happened to me to. Thanks for sharing this info. I guess I’ll have to wait a couple of days. I was about to try it directly on xbox console.

    1. Hodor the 1st says:

      Any news?did you manage to spend your TRY?

  18. OndrejBakan says:

    I had the same problem, contacted Microsoft three times, in my last support request I was honest and told them, I did it to gain better price. The agent was very helpful and offered to try to buy it on his end, didn’t work either though. This was after waiting 48 hrs from the last attempt. Then I tried it again 15 hrs later and it went through.

    1. Julien Huriez says:

      Thanks for your feedback!

  19. Nicky Ruskin says:

    While waiting a few days to purchase again with the gift card, do we have to change our microsoft account location to Turkey?

  20. kaan0101 says:

    I’m turk xbox gamers, contact me for sales purchases.

  21. Yoval M says:

    success stories?
    Is the solution here still relevant?

    1. Julien Huriez says:

      Hi, yes the solution here still relevant 😉
      And it’s the only one solution

      1. Yoval M says:

        thank you,
        oh, one more thing, I need wait two to three days between each purchase? Or after this period can I buy as much as I want?

        1. Julien Huriez says:

          No, this security appear only one time, the first time.
          After this, you can buy as much you want 🙂

          1. Yoval M says:

            Good to hear, thank you. I’ll wait three days. I have so much that I want to buy!

          2. Yoval M says:

            With the gift card I can also purchase gifts?

          3. Julien Huriez says:

            No, you can’t buy as gift

          4. Yoval M says:


          5. Yoval M says:

            Can I buy also at the Argentina store? or I need to wait 3 days between purchase in forbidden store?

          6. Julien Huriez says:

            For argentina store, it’s same as Turkish store, the first time you need to wait 3 days before the first purchase

          7. Yoval M says:

            It’s been three days, not working. I see in my account settings, where my card is – “For purchases in Argentina” then I also tried the Argentinian store and did not work as well.
            What do you suggest?
            Should I change the store in the Xbox itself or enable vpn?

            yo yo, thank you my man.

          8. Julien Huriez says:

            Change store or enable vpn will not change anything, you just need to wait more days.
            It’s random, some people waited 1 week, others 2, …

            Keep us informed!

          9. Yoval M says:

            No it’s not it, it’s me. All this day was unlucky, I was doing matriculation exams in the afternoon, and as I was learning I was screwed with questions. Then after that little fall in the business and now more ..

  22. Marek says:

    Hi all. I just want to report my experience with purchase in Turkish store. At first I’ve experienced the issue with the failed payment using my TRY funds but someone in the comments mentioned to clear cookies and browser cache so I got an idea to try different browser and it worked:) All I did was this:
    1. Redeem gift cards in Opera (my main browser)
    2. Open the link for the game in Turkish store
    3. Try to buy but it failed
    4. Open the same link in the Edge browser and login to MS account -> MS sent the verification code
    5. Verify the identity with the code
    6. Try to purchase the game through Edge and BAM it worked

    Maybe I was just lucky but I think it’s worth a try 🙂

    1. Morbo says:

      I just tried that with no luck. How long it took for you? I’m over 48h right now. I think that in your case, that was most likely just a coincidence.

      1. Julien Huriez says:

        Some people have waited 1 week or more,…

        1. Morbo says:

          Yes, I know. Today it finally went through. I took 5 days. 3 work days. I kept trying it multiple times a day so I don’t think that you need to wait before attempts.

          1. Yoval M says:

            oof, you guys so luckey.

          2. Morbo says:

            Keep trying, you are almost there for sure.

            I think that reason could be that gift cards are purchased with credit cards by resellers and this is simply fraud protection. They are waiting if they don’t receive refund request from bank. Once they are sure, they free codes to use. So maybe it depends when gift cards were actually purchased by the reseller.

          3. Yoval M says:

            I bought the Turkish gift card and bought an Argentinian gift card from another site and succeeded on the first time. Two days later I bought a Turkish gift card from another site and it did not work for me. I waited more than a week and still does not work. And even when I try to buy what is left of the Argentine gift card I get an error.

          4. Morbo says:

            Interesting. Then the fraud protection is automatically applied on the account level. But still, I would bet that it will work in for you a day or two. I was not able to find any report that it didn’t worked at all. You just need to wait more and don’t lose hope 🙂 And don’t forget to report your success.

          5. Yoval M says:

            I spoke with the support of the very nice Xbox of Turkey, they told me I was on the wrong position and that’s what caused the same problem with the purchase. And after a certain process they asked me to enter the link to change location they say that within 24 hours it will work out. expecting it. I’ll update you!

          6. Julien Huriez says:

            Hi! Thanks for your feedback, i know this link (account migration),
            But I really think it doesn’t change anything, all the people who had this problem managed after a few days to buy from the Turkish store, without having to change the region of the account.

            But it can be useful, thank you. 😉

            The link:

          7. Yoval M says:

            24 hrs passed from the last change, still nothing.

          8. Yoval M says:

            I talked now again with ms and I was honest, he tried to buy it on his side – same result. after that he informed me that it’s need to work, and his best advise was to apply VPN on my ISP since its showed in my real regin and only if I apply it on my router it should work.

          9. Julien Huriez says:

            Microsoft support is not very competent at this level…
            The VPN won’t change anything.

            There’s just waiting, it’s the only way.

          10. Yoval M says:

            I gave up. Now I also can not buy at the US store I bought from so many times.
            I want to give a try to my other new account. all I need to do at first its just put turkish address right?
            Should there be a problem? At most I’ll wait three days..

          11. Julien Huriez says:

            This is not normal, the US store has no security.
            It works very well on this store,

            It’s not because of the tax? if the amount of the game + the tax exceeds your gift card balance, you won’t be able to buy.

            To have 0 tax, you have to put an address in Alaska or Oregon.
            To change your address go here:
            Delete your address in the United States, and add another one in Alaska.

            It should work.

            For the Turkish store, nothing special needs to be done except to wait and try once a day

          12. Yoval M says:

            Nope, I never had any taxes. I’m on oregon.
            update: I finally managed to purchase at the Turkish shop!
            I opened a new user and bought another new gift card..
            the purchase process worked smoothly
            Since this is an extension, I heard that I get the apex coins in BOTH users, so all good. I’ll update.
            update few min’ later
            omgggggg I finally managed to purchase from my main account !!
            so happy!

          13. Julien Huriez says:

            Nice! 🙂

          14. Yoval M says:

            What I did at the end was I opened a new user and bought him a Turkish Gift Card, and it all worked smoothly. I managed to buy the first hit and then as soon as I succeeded in the new account I switched to the old account and tried again with the balance I had left there – and it just worked. In addition, I cut down some of the addresses I had in my account and changed the Turkish address to another location in Turkey.

          15. Julien Huriez says:

            Okay, thanks for your feedback 😉

    2. Yoval M says:

      Not working for me. Almost a week passed

    3. vincentee says:

      felt more and more like a random matter.

  23. vincentee says:

    weird thing, at beginning I was able to buy games with balance no problem, but the when I top up the balance again and try to make a purchase, error.

  24. Nosteam says:

    I’ve just seen this topic. There is website name called Their cards at a 1:1 face value rate. When ı asked them why they told me they are official seller they do not add extra on the main price. I’ve bought several codes first and it does worked. Then ı asked them if ı can buy 50 codes or higher and they told me they can make discount. Take a look at it guys.

  25. Theis Jensen says:

    I bought 600 for the Argentina store. It went through today after 8 days of trying to buy every single day. I almost gave up, but then as I said, it went through.

    1. Julien Huriez says:

      Nice! 😀 Thanks for your feedback

  26. swift justin says:

    My account region is HK and I’m physically at US, I waited more than 3 days to successfully preorder metro exodus in Argentina store(during the 3 days I kept trying to purchase everyday and they all failed), then immediately I can’t buy the division 2, so in my case the security takes effect every time I make a purchase, I’ve already waited 24 hours since I purchased metro exodus and the division 2 still doesn’t go through, I don’t know how long should I wait again…

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