Assassin’s Creed® Liberation HD

  1. Games
  • Backward-Compatibility
  • Release date : 15/01/2014
  • Action & Adventure, Role Playing
  • 2.55 Go

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Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD, is the remastered striking chapter of the pre-American Revolution Assassin’s Creed saga . The year is 1765. As the events leading up to the American Revolution heat up in the north, Spanish forces plan to take control of Louisiana in the south – but they have yet to reckon with Aveline, an Assassin with a French and African mixed heritage, who finds herself on an unforgettable journey that will take her from the crowded streets of New Orleans to voodoo-haunted swamps and ancient Mayan ruins. Taking full advantage of its new hardware, Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD introduces graphical improvements and new missions that dive deeper into Aveline’s story. Online features are no longer available for this product.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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