FOR HONOR - Complete Edition WW

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Release date : 18/12/2018

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This game is optimized for next-gen (4K Resolution for Xbox Series X / 1080p for Xbox Series S). Cross-save is available: your profile, progression, including all purchases and inventory, is automatically shared.

Includes the base game, Marching Fire Expansion, the Year 1: Heroes Bundle, and the Year 3 Pass.

The base game includes 12 Heroes, 7 Multiplayer Modes and story Campaign

The Marching Fire Expansion includes the Wu-Lin faction and unlimited solo or co-op PVE Arcade Mode.

The Year 3 Pass includes 4 additionnal Heroes with an Elite outfit for each one and other exclusive rewards.

The Year 1: Heroes Bundle includes 6 additional Heroes with Elite Outfit for each one and other exclusive rewards.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

DLCs available for FOR HONOR - Complete Edition WW

In this bundle

List of items included in FOR HONOR - Complete Edition WW


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