Golf With Your Friends Pre-Order

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Release date : 19/05/2020

See prices of Golf With Your Friends Pre-Order

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Store Price Discount Convert Link
MTCGame 13.88 (EUR)   13.88  


Turn the fairway into a runway and customise your balls in Golf With Your Friends! Pre-Order now to putt your own stylish spin on the game as you tee off with one of 3 new hats or floaties!

The Caddy Pack comes with:
•Goose floaty
•Rowboat floaty
•Teacup floaty
•Australian ‘slouch’ hat (outback style hat)
•Triceratops hat
•‘Beanie’ propeller hat

Why have friends if not to play Golf... With Your Friends! Nothing is out of bounds as you take on 9 courses filled with fast paced, exciting, simultaneous mini golf for up to 12 players!

Key Features:

12 Player Multiplayer! Make sure your skills are up to scratch as you tee off against 11 other golfers in online multiplayer.

Themed Courses! 9 courses with unique mechanics and holes, become a pro in the pirate course or aim for an albatross in the ancient theme.

Powerups! Drive a wedge between your friends as you trap their ball in honey, freeze it or turn it into a square.

Three Game Modes! Tee off in classic mini golf, shoot for the pars in hoops or swap the hole for a goal in hockey

Customisations! Turn the fairway into the runway, with unlockable hats, skins and trails for your ball.

(Source :

In this bundle

List of items included in Golf With Your Friends Pre-Order


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