Instant Indie Collection: Vol. 5

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Release date : 12/05/2017

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Our Instant Indie Collections bring you three indie hits in one neat package.

Human: Fall Flat - An open-ended physics-based puzzle and exploration game set in floating dreamscapes. Your goal is to escape these worlds by solving puzzles with nothing but your wits and physics.

Manual Samuel - Meet Samuel, he’s handsome, wealthy and most importantly – dead. A deal with Death gives Samuel one last chance to live again if he can survive a whole day doing everything manually.

The Little Acre - While searching for his father, Aidan travels to a strange new world. Lily, his heroic daughter, sets off after him. This lovingly crafted adventure is fully-voiced and with hand-drawn animations.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

In this bundle

List of items included in Instant Indie Collection: Vol. 5


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