1. Games
  • Games
  • Release date : 04/03/2016
  • Action & Adventure, Other
  • 0.78 Go

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After crash-landing on a lush planet infested by aliens, you find yourself having to repair your spaceship and fight off the aliens in order to get back home in this hectic mix of action and tower defense genres.
Take control of the cute McDroid, shoot aliens, build up your base and defenses, harvest resources and make crazy sci-fi weapons, as swarms of alien enemies come at you, wave after wave, corrupting the ground around and even using your own resources against you.
Explore each level, find secrets, fight huge bosses and heal the planet. McDroid is a game for players of all ages who are looking to test their wits and flex their trigger fingers.
- Story campaign where you have to heal the planet of the alien corruption
- Challenging Survival levels
- Numerous weapons to research

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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