Mitama Dance of Miracles

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Release date : 21/06/2024
  • Role Playing
  • 0.01 Go

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Embark on this definitive version of the critically acclaimed Shin Megami Tensei V, massively expanded with a brand-new storyline featuring new locations, demons, and choices to make that will dictate the fate of all existence.

As a special pre-order bonus, receive two Sacred Treasure sets that will aid you during your journey through Da'at.

Additional downloadable content that increases the spawn rate of "Nigi Mitama", demons that drop items that give the protagonist Glory, points needed to learn new Miracles.

*There is still a low chance of Mitama spawning even without this DLC.
*You can revert the spawn rate mid-game from the Options menu.

(Source :

Mitama Dance of Miracles is a DLC that works on these games

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