Monster Truck Championship

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Release date : 20/10/2020

See prices of Monster Truck Championship

This game hasn't been updated than 96h ago. A price update is in progress
Store Price Discount Convert Link
MTCGame 17.09 (EUR)   17.09  



Preorder now to receive the Sergeant Chaos design and Patriot Monster Truck when the game releases.

- The Patriot Monster Truck; ideal for standing out from the crowd and winning tons of races!
- The Sergeant Chaos design, to impress your competitors and boost your rankings!

A true Monster Truck simulation!
From Las Vegas to Orlando, go head-to-head against experienced drivers in drag races and freestyle competitions! But before you can pull off doughnuts, wheelies and bicycles, you must first tune your truck to perfection. These machines are spectacular and impressive yet highly technical to drive. The game faithfully reproduces all the unique demands of mastering these powerful trucks, including independent front and rear wheel management, mass transfer anticipation in bends, and predicting bounces after jumps.

(Source :

DLCs available for Monster Truck Championship

In this bundle

List of items included in Monster Truck Championship


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