Torchlight II Pre-Order Bundle

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Release date : 03/09/2019

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Pre-order now and earn the exclusive pet goblin, Yapper. Turns out he makes a pretty charming companion before his Outpost-attacking days.

Play Torchlight II on Xbox One and receive an exclusive pet: Molten Imp.

The award-winning action RPG is back, bigger and better than ever! Torchlight II takes you back into the quirky, fast-paced world of bloodthirsty monsters, bountiful treasures, and sinister secrets - and, once again, the fate of the world is in your hands.

Torchlight II is fast, fun, and filled to the brim with action and loot. Adventure solo or form a party online with your friends.

(Source :

In this bundle

List of items included in Torchlight II Pre-Order Bundle


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