Trials® Rising - Standard Edition

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  • Games
  • Release date : 26/02/2019

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Explore over-the-top action and physics-bending motorcycle racing in Trials Rising, the latest edition of the Trials franchise. All new features, more competitions, and more tracks mean new challenges! Ride challenging tracks around the world – from the Great Wall of China and New York City to the Eiffel Tower and everywhere in between. With the new hilarious Tandem Bike mode, partner with a friend and try to control one bike with two riders. From your local backyard to worldwide stadiums, defeat all your opponents online and rise to glory. Create unique levels in Track Central using hundreds of different components. The possibilities are endless – and so is the fun! Pre-order now to receive the Jungle Rider Pack and the Wild West Ride Pack!

(Source :

DLCs available for Trials® Rising - Standard Edition

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List of items included in Trials® Rising - Standard Edition


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