WO4U: Deluxe Edition Bonuses

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Release date : 14/02/2020
  • Action & Adventure
  • 0.01 Go

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Only available in a bundle


- Bonus Weapons: War God's Halberd Z, God Smiter's Pike Z, Abaddon Z
- 300,000 Growth Points
- 3,000 Arena Points
- 100 Crystals
- Early character unlock: Kyūbi, Tamamo, Yinglong

■How to use
- Weapons
You can change weapons from camp by selecting "Weapons" - "Equip Weapons".
- Growth Points
You can use growth points to level-up your characters from camp by selecting "Upgrade" - "Upgrade Officers" - "Upgrade Levels".
- Arena Points
The points can be used at the Battle Arena to unlock characters or obtain weapons.
- Crystals
The Crystals can be used through "Upgrade" - "Upgrade Camp" in Camp.
- Unlocked Character
You can select the character at camp from "Party" - "Form Team".

*This product is part of the DLC set for purchasers of the Deluxe Edition.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Bundles containing this item

WO4U: Deluxe Edition Bonuses is available in these bundles


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