WRC 9 Barcelona SSS

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Release date : 08/09/2020
  • Racing & Flying
  • 0.01 Go

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Only available in a bundle


The SSS is set in Barcelona's magnificent historic district. The circuit winds around different monuments. Its winding, technical roads give drivers a real challenge, and on two occasions they have to negotiate donuts during the stage.
The Barcelona SSS is also famed for drawing a big crowd of spectators. They come to see the show unfolding on the tarmac, with them in the middle of the action. A real treat for fans, and a chance to see their favourite cars and drivers up close!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

WRC 9 Barcelona SSS is a DLC that works on these games

Bundles containing this item

WRC 9 Barcelona SSS is available in these bundles


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