ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - 8 Popular Squadron Emblems

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  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 18/01/2019
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Ver precios de ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - 8 Popular Squadron Emblems

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Tienda Precio Descuento Convertir Enlace
Hong-Kong 15.2 $ (HKD)   1.88  
Singapore 2.6 $ (SGD)   1.85  
Japan 220 ¥ (JPY)   1.37  
Taiwan 60 NT$ (TWD)   1.76  
South Korea 2000 ₩ (KRW)   1.33  

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Eight popular emblems from past titles.

Aquila and Aquila: Low Vis.
The emblem of the Erusian Air Force's 156th Tactical Fighter Wing, also known as Yellow Squadron.
An air squadron whose primary mission it was to defend the skies of Stonehenge. They brought down every Allied Forces plane that came flying.

Wardog and Wardog: Low Vis.
The emblem of the Osea Air Defense Force's 108th Tactical Fighter Squadron's Sand Island detachment.
Also known as the Sand Island Squadron.

Garuda and Garuda: Low Vis.
The emblem of the Republic of Emmeria Air Force's Eastern Air Region Air Defense's 8th Air Division, 28th Fighter Squadron.

Gryphus and Gryphus: Low Vis.
The emblem of the Aurelian Air Force's air squadron.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - 8 Popular Squadron Emblems es un DLC que funciona con estos juegos

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ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - 8 Popular Squadron Emblems esta disponible en estos packs


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