Assassin's Creed Chronicles – Trilogy

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 09/02/2016

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Expand your Assassin’s Creed experience and discover the forgotten stories of three remarkable Assassins in brand-new settings with fresh 2.5D stealth gameplay:

• Play the adventures of three cult Assassins:
Each chapter comes with a unique hero and a new setting all interconnected through a common plot that will only be revealed at the very end.
• Stealth in a new dimension:
Experience the thrill of being a master Assassin in 2.5D. Sneak and hide to avoid detection and fool enemies using whistles and disguises.
• Experience a fast & fluid "assault course":
Whether you’re running from danger, negotiating obstacles or stealthily climbing you will truly feel the freedom of moving as an Assassin.
• Master three different combat styles:
Each chronicle comes with a different assassin equipped with a distinct range of weapons and gadgets.
• Navigate multiple planes :
Switch between environmental layers and choose the right path according to your needs.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

En este pack

Lista de elementos inclidos en Assassin's Creed Chronicles – Trilogy


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