Blood Bowl 2 - Official Expansion (Features)

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  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 05/09/2017
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Extend your gaming experience of Blood Bowl 2 with the Blood Bowl 2: Official Expansion*.

Experience new game modes such as the new solo Eternal League, or the new Challenge mode. For the first time in the history of Blood Bowl, spice-up your matches with teams made up from a combination of different races, or go wild and lead a team of All-Star Players!

A wealth of new features and options for multiplayer will expand the possibilities offered to communicate with other players, create, set up and customize your online leagues and competitions.

Blood Bowl 2: Official Expansion features 8 new races**: Halflings, Ogres, Goblins, Vampires, Amazon, Elven Union, Underworld Denizens, and a new race in the Blood Bowl world, the Kislev Circus and their ferocious Tame Bears! These races are coming along with their Star Players and a new Khemri stadium, located at the feet of their imposing pyramids.

*Requires the base game Blood Bowl 2 to run.
**Each race also sold separately.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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