Charging Into Darkness

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 01/06/2020
  • Card & Board, Multi-player Online Battle Arena, Strategy
  • 0.01 Go

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With Ardera's true agenda revealed, High-Mage Leiliel races to the Whispering Woods to find an old friend. She’ll need all the help she can muster to brave her way through the raging battle between Crystal Elves and Accursed…

The Charging Into Darkness Faction Box will provide you with all the Crystal Elf support you need to wage your own war against the undead! Containing +300% value of Crystal Elf cards, including the studious High-Mage Leiliel and 2 exclusive Crystal Elf cosmetics.

3x High-mage Leiliel
5x Leiliel's Vortex
20x Border Patrol
50x Crystal Construct
50x Lone Scout
5x Power Tokens
1x Legendary Emote
1x Supreme Avatar

Crystal Elves make use of their Mana Surge to output huge amounts of damage. Keeping your Mana at 6+ is key to effectively utilising them, as well as keeping them protected. Use your Crystal Construct to protect the frail Crystal Elf cards, while using Leiliel’s Vortex to pull your enemy’s minions away and render them helpless! High-Mage Leiliel herself is a great counter to long range minions that will try and dispatch your elves, as her Mana Surge enables her to reflect incoming damage!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Charging Into Darkness es un DLC que funciona con estos juegos


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