Cook, Serve, Delicious!

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 28/02/2024
  • Action & Adventure, Strategy, Simulation, Family & kids
  • 0.50 Go

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"Cook, Serve, Delicious!" is a deceptively easy game to learn but incredibly challenging to master as you progress from owning a rundown zero-star cafe into a five-star world famous restaurant.

Manage your restaurant as you balance out your menu with thirty foods and hundreds of recipes, compete in cooking television shows and mysterious tournaments, and upgrade your equipment while battling robbers, impatient customers, and lots more!

You can also play local co-op as one person cooks and the other expedites the orders! Or have up to four players locally with the included "Battle Kitchen" expansion, featuring dozens of challenges and unlockable characters.

Good luck Chef!

(Source :

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