DREAMERS Digital Art Book

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  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 29/03/2024
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In September 2023, DREAMERS transported players on a relaxing gaming adventure.

With its charismatic trio of characters, vibrant low-poly graphics, and captivating soundtrack, the game warmed the hearts of lovers of cozy adventures and nostalgic players of all ages.

Today, this special edition invites you into the creative process with concept art, in-editor screenshots, and insights from the development team, including glimpses into the backstory ideas.

This digital experience brings an extra value to the hardcover art book we published in December 2023, because it allows you to immerse yourself in a peaceful walking exploration through the game's initial location, offering a perspective never seen before in the game — through the eyes of one of its protagonists.

If you want to add the hardcover copy to your collection, the art book is also available in a limited 300-page edition on the game's website.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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