Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 30/12/9998

Ver precios de Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition

El juego no ha sido actualizado desde hace 96h horas
Tienda Precio Descuento Convertir Enlace
Hong-Kong 308 $ (HKD)   36.32  
Singapore 54.3 $ (SGD)   37.39  
Taiwan 1233 NT$ (TWD)   34.35  
South Korea 47300 ₩ (KRW)   29.85  

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DEVIL MAY CRY IS BACK, BABY!! The legendary stylish action game is better than ever in the ultimate version of this multi-award winning hit.

New features:

- New playable character - Dante's brother and arch-rival, Vergil
- Legendary Dark Knight mode - an extremely challenging horde mode featuring huge numbers of enemies
- Turbo Mode - make the game even more intense by playing at 1.2x speed
- Ray-tracing support* - this next-generation graphics technology brings the already near-photorealistic world of DMC5 to a new level of unparalleled visual splendour
- High Frame-Rate Mode - experience super-smooth action

These new features and modes utilise the power of Xbox Series X to bring you the craziest, sexiest, most stylish Devil May Cry experience ever!!

*Ray tracing is not supported on Xbox Series S.

Noted: Language support for Chinese(Traditional and Simplified) and Korean is available by downloading the "Asian Language Pack" in the bundle.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Lista de DLCs disponibles para Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition

En este pack

Lista de elementos inclidos en Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition


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