Dobo's Heroes

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 07/12/2022
  • Platformer
  • 0.54 Go

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On a faraway planet Dobo is a worldly renowned hero. He’s inspired the work of millions of people.
But something very serious happened. Dobo has lost that sparkle in his eyes and, little by little, started to get stuck in his own thoughts, creating blockings, shutting himself in a dark room.

After a short time, Dobo didn’t seem the same anymore, but few could see him, because he set himself apart from everybody else.
Fortunately his family, especially his grandchildren, are making an effort to get him out of his dark room and bring him back to life.

Dobo’s Heroes is a platform game with puzzles, where you need to help Dobo leave the depths of his world.
For that to happen, use his grandchildren’s powers to get to the portal of each mission.

- Online ranking for each mission;
- Achievement;
- 45 missions;
- Challenging puzzles;
- Pixel art;
- End when completing the game.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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