Empire of Sin - Deluxe Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 01/12/2020

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Upgrade to the Deluxe Edition and receive access to the Mobster Pack which includes four recruitable and playable gangsters, the Golden Weapon Set that comes with three exclusive weapon skins plus “Romero” gun sound effects, and unique execution animation for your boss character - the Curb Stomp Execution.

Empire of Sin is a new strategy game brought to you by Romero Games and Paradox Interactive that puts you at the heart of the ruthless criminal underworld of 1920s Prohibition-era Chicago. Slip into the shoes of one of the fourteen real and historically inspired mob bosses such as Al Capone, Stephanie St. Clair or Goldie Garneau and assemble a rag-tag gang, build and manage your criminal empire, and defend your turf from rival gangs.  It’s up to you to hustle, charm and intimidate your way to the top and do whatever it takes to stay there - break a leg!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Lista de DLCs disponibles para Empire of Sin - Deluxe Edition

En este pack

Lista de elementos inclidos en Empire of Sin - Deluxe Edition


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