Fallout 76: Skyline Valley - Lost Treasures Bundle

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  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 12/06/2024
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Ver precios de Fallout 76: Skyline Valley - Lost Treasures Bundle

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Uncover items from Vault 63 with the Lost Treasures Bundle. The Lost Treasures Bundle includes the following bonus in-game C.A.M.P. items and cosmetics:
o Weather Control Station (Skyline Valley): Give your C.A.M.P an electrical red glow!
o V63 Power Armor & Jetpack Paint: Become a Vault 63 champion with this shiny new Power Armor and Jetpack skin.
o Vault 63 Door Display: Bring a piece of Vault 63 to your C.A.M.P.
o Moe the Mole Plushie: Moe the Mole really digs safety.
o V63 Chassis Display Frame: Showcase your Power Armor in Vault 63 style!
o Lightning Rod Pose: Harness the power of lightning with this pose.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Fallout 76: Skyline Valley - Lost Treasures Bundle es un DLC que funciona con estos juegos


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