Fallout: New Vegas - Lonesome Road (SPANISH)

  1. Games
  • Backward-Compatibility
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 24/06/2019
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter, Role Playing
  • 0.51 Go

Ver precios de Fallout: New Vegas - Lonesome Road (SPANISH)

El juego no ha sido actualizado desde hace 96h horas
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Spain 4.99 € (EUR)   4.99  

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In Lonesome Road you are contacted by the original Courier Six. He promises to answer why he refused to deliver the Platinum Chip--but only if you make one last journey into the canyons of the Divide. Bring all your gear and weapons but leave your companions behind...this is one road you must walk alone.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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