Garden Life - Eco-friendly Decoration Set

  1. Games
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  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 22/02/2024
  • Simulation
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A few daily items, a few innovative ideas and a small gesture for the planet. The Eco-friendly Decoration Set offers new colorful decorations for a “greener” garden!

• Tyre Pots - These colorful tyres found their true purpose of housing the hardiest plants in the garden no matter the wind or weather.

• Eco Lanterns - Crafted from sustainable materials, these lanterns add a touch of eco-elegance to your garden.

• Eco Table and Chair - A furniture set made from repurposed wood.

• Tea Kettle Fairy House - Crafted from recycled metal, it's like giving your garden's fairies a modern, upcycled palace to host their extravagant tea parties!

• Eco Fairy Lights - A charming hideout for your magical garden buddies crafted from upcycled plastic bottles.

(Source :

Garden Life - Eco-friendly Decoration Set es un DLC que funciona con estos juegos


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