Guilty Gear -Strive- + Season Pass 1

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 07/03/2023

Ver precios de Guilty Gear -Strive- + Season Pass 1

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Experience the thrill of battle with the in-depth mechanics and gorgeous animations of Guilty Gear -Strive-, the latest entry in the cutting edge Guilty Gear series!

- Graphics so stunning they look like hand-drawn animation!

Graphical advances make for a game so beautiful it could be mistaken for hand-drawn animation. The new generation of graphics are a delight for the eyes down to the tiniest detail!

- The cutting edge of the fighting game genre!

We set out with the goal to innovate the fighting game genre with this title. This game appeals to a wider audience, while maintaining the deep game mechanics that define the Guilty Gear series. The complex mechanics such as the dramatic new wall break system create opportunities for the mind games associated with fighting games. One clash after the next tells a story unique to each battle!

- Their fates come to a conclusion!

The story of Guilty Gear has been told over more than 20 years. At long last, each character's fate comes to a conclusion! What shocking truth awaits them?

Content of the Deluxe Edition :
- Guilty Gear -Strive-
- Guilty Gear -Strive- : Season Pass 1

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

En este pack

Lista de elementos inclidos en Guilty Gear -Strive- + Season Pass 1


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