1. Games
  • Games
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 03/05/2023
  • Action & Adventure, Puzzle & Trivia
  • 0.67 Go

Ver precios de Moonrise Fall

El juego no ha sido actualizado desde hace 96h horas
  • Discount : -80%

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Moonrise Fall is an atmospheric exploration puzzle game about a boy who finds himself lost in a supernatural forest after losing both parents in a car crash. Put your detective skills to the test. Armed with a clue-filled journal, a camera, and a lantern he must unravel the mysteries of the forest and photograph the strange creatures that reside there. Moonrise Fall is a brain teaser-filled world mixed with classic adventuring, exploration, and collecting. A surreal understated experience about loss and finding new life inspired by real-life experiences. Uncover locations like caves, mines, a lumber mill, as well as otherworldly locales at your own pace. Discover why the boy has been trapped in this strange place and by whom.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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