One Step After Fall (Español)

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 07/03/2023
  • Other, Simulation
  • 1.15 Go

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(This version only has the Spanish language) This narrative experience introduces Steve Robinson, a successful writer who, due to life's misfortunes, ended up losing important people, faith in his work and the meaning of life. The narrative leads the player to help Steve relive the episodes in his story that dragged him into depression, while getting to know the places that marked his life. From that moment, where Steve may or may not revisit his story, he becomes able to face his destiny and be able to make the most important decision of his life.

One Step After Fall is a single-player, first-person walking simulator that focuses on the narrative experience.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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