Neverwinter: Adventurer Edition Pack

  1. Games
  • Consumable
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 11/04/2017
  • Role Playing

Ver precios de Neverwinter: Adventurer Edition Pack

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If you’re ready to delve further into the wonders and dangers of Faerûn, look no further than the Adventurer Edition Pack. Go forth with a level-scaling weapon, a free month of Neverwinter VIP, a mount for your farthest journeys, a Bag of Holding, and live-saving Stone of Health.
This pack includes:
- 1 Epic quality Mulhorand level-scaling weapon for your class
- Free 30-day VIP membership
- 1 Random Uncommon quality Mount
- 1 Bag of Holding
- 1 Stone of Health
- 500 Zen currency

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Neverwinter: Adventurer Edition Pack es un DLC que funciona con estos juegos


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