RetroRealms: Kelly Maxwell

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 18/10/2024
  • Action & Adventure, Platformer
  • 0.03 Go

Ver precios de RetroRealms: Kelly Maxwell

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Enter the RetroRealms, a 16-bit pixelart world, to battle Deadite hordes across multiple levels of terrifying platformer action filled with enemies from the STARZ “Ash vs Evil Dead” series. Use your special powers to overcome horrifying challenges and save humanity from the Necronomicon and legions of undead in this groovy throwback to classic arcade action.

Expand your adventure by adding another killer character! Face evil with Kelly Maxwell, younger, hotter and with a much better fashion sense than Ash. Kelly comes with her own play style, weapons, story and achievements! Kelly knows how to put Deadites in their place and how to just say no to pesky possession, making her the perfect companion for this nightmare.


RetroRealms character DLC require the RetroRealms Arcade and at least one RetroRealms game to play.

(Source :

RetroRealms: Kelly Maxwell es un DLC que funciona con estos juegos


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