SMITE Season Pass 2022

  1. Games
  • Consumable
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 20/01/2022
  • Action & Adventure, Multi-player Online Battle Arena

Ver precios de SMITE Season Pass 2022

El juego no ha sido actualizado desde hace 96h horas
Solo disponible en un paquete


Get Exclusive content for every new God, all-year long, with the SMITE Season Pass 2022!

You’ll get all of the following incredible content for each God as they are released in 2022:
- Voice Pack
- Limited Ascended Skin
- Additional Tier 1 Skin
- Emotes (Wave and Clap)

Plus: Instantly unlock three cosmetics you can only get in the Season Pass: The Limited Space Scoundrel Danzaburou Skin, Space Scoundrel Loading Screen, and the Most Wanted Title.

As a special bonus, you’ll receive 1000 Gems to spend on in-game cosmetics, Battle Passes and more -- the choice is yours!

(If you don’t own the God Pack, you’ll also unlock all new Season 9 Gods.)

(Source :


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