Silent Hill Homecoming

  1. Games
  • Backward-Compatibility
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 30/09/2008
  • Action & Adventure, Fighting
  • 5.36 Go

Ver precios de Silent Hill Homecoming

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USA 19.99 $ (USD)   19.11  
Canada 19.99 $ (CAD)   13.43  
Mexico 299 $ (MXN)   13.99  
MTCGame 13.44 € (EUR)   13.44  

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The Games on Demand version supports English, French, Italian, German, Spanish.Welcome back to Silent Hill! Alex Shepherd returns to his hometown of Shepherd’s Glen to investigate the sudden disappearance of his brother. From Shepherd’s Glen to Silent Hill, Alex must face the darkest of horrors in order to find his brother. Struggling with his own grip on reality, Alex must unravel the mystery behind his nightmares, discover the truth behind his brother’s disappearance, and confront the evil that lurks in the seemingly empty streets of Silent Hill.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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