Solid Gold Bundle

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 17/06/2020
  • Action & Adventure

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Want to dazzle in any company? A pirate of true opulence should hoard this Solid Gold Bundle, which contains two premium Collector’s Pets: the Gold Curse Wildcat and Gold Curse Parakeet. These pets have been touched by the same curse known to turn some pirates’ skin golden, transforming them into living treasures admired by all. Buy this bundle and you’ll also get 1000 Ancient Coins to spend on extra items, pets, ship parts or emotes to ensure that you’re always the centre of attention. You’ll also receive a free 25,000 gold bonus to spend at Outpost shops for even more gilded goodness!

The Solid Gold Bundle contains 1000 Ancient Coins, the Gold Curse Wildcat, the Gold Curse Parakeet and a bonus of 25,000 gold.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Solid Gold Bundle es un DLC que funciona con estos juegos


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