Sonic Origins Digital Deluxe Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 23/06/2022

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Sonic Origins Digital Deluxe

Relive the classic collected adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and Sonic CD in the newly remastered Sonic Origins! From the iconic Green Hill Zone to the treacherous Death Egg Robot, you'll speed down memory lane to thwart the sinister plans of Doctor Robotnik in polished high definition! This latest version includes new areas to explore, exclusive animations, and a brand new Anniversary mode!

Sonic Origins Digital Deluxe includes the Premium Origins Pack plus Another Sound Pack, featuring Hard Missions, Letterbox Background, Bonus Character Animations in-menu & music player, and additional re-mastered music tracks.

Classic Re-defined
Explore the classic Sonic titles in high-resolution, and all-new opening and ending animations

New Unlockables
Complete various missions to collect coins to unlock new content, challenges, and Special Stages through the Museum.

Classic and Anniversary Mode
Choose to Spin Dash your way through the numerous zones in Classic mode with the game's original resolution and limited lives, or the new Anniversary mode with unlimited lives and revamped fullscreen resolution.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

En este pack

Lista de elementos inclidos en Sonic Origins Digital Deluxe Edition


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