Team17 Variety Pack

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 25/10/2016

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Like a chocolate box of gaming goodness, the Team17 Variety Pack serves up a delicious selection of Indie treats to tickle your videogame tastebuds!

Games included in this bundle:

Beyond Eyes - A modern fairy tale about finding courage and friendship as you carefully guide a young blind girl on a life changing journey, uncovering an incredible world, step by step.

Overruled! - A multiplayer brawler like no other where the players change the rules as they play and with loads of rules to change, youll never know how the battle will go! Challenge up to three friends with both local and online multiplayer!

Schrodinger's Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark - A fun, frantic, wacky and colourful puzzle-laden platform game, set in a unique and quirky quantum physics world!

Penarium - In this frantic 2D arcade game set in a sinister circus arena, you take on the role of our quirky antihero; Willy who, to survive, is forced to run, jump and avoid an array of killer death-traps.

(Source :

En este pack

Lista de elementos inclidos en Team17 Variety Pack


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