The Pew Pew Bundle Vol. 1

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 18/09/2020

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Prepare to fire! Four incredible shooter-focused favourites in one explosive bundle:

Black Paradox: Unleash an arsenal of weapons, power-ups, drones, and other upgrades to defeat the galaxy’s most dangerous criminal organization in this fast-paced roguelite shoot 'em up.

Bleed 2: A furiously fun and fast-paced run-and-gun arcade action game. Pink-haired heroine Wryn, the world’s greatest – and only remaining – hero, returns to defend the globe from an invading force of villains.

Shikhondo: Soul Eater: Set within a beautiful and bizarre world of Asian mythology, this Korean bullet-hell shoot ‘em up offers intense action across a variety of game modes, including Arcade, Hardcore, and Local Co-op.

XenoRaptor: Take on heavily-armed space dragons in this frantic twin-stick shooter. Strip defeated foes of their parts to assemble the ultimate weapon.
Harness the power of railguns, tractor beams, mind control, and much more.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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