Vigor - Prepper of Doomsday

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 16/03/2022
  • Shooter

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The apocalyptic effects of nuclear doomsday won't go away anytime soon. And people said it was crazy to hoard all kinds of weapons, ammunition, tools and consumables. Who's crazy now?
Rise from the irradiated ashes of destruction in the iconic hazmat suit and claim the Outlands using all kinds of deadly instruments.
This is the moment you were prepping for...

This pack includes:
- Prepper (Yellow Biorobot) Uniform
- 10x Bugle F1 + 300x ammo (5.56x45 NATO)
- Bugle F1 skin: Brush Green
- 10x Gewehr 3 SG1 + 200x ammo (7.62x51 NATO)
- Gewehr 3 SG1 skin: Dot Pattern
- 10x AUR Para + 320x ammo (9x19 Parabellum)
- AUR Para skin: Rectangle Black
- 20x Portable Signals Detector
- 20x Iodine
- 20x Armor Plate
- 20x Mortar Strike
- 30x Improvised Mine
- 30x Booby Trap
- 50x Caffeine
- 50x Antibiotics
- 200x Crowns

This pack may only be purchased once per account and is available for a limited time.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Vigor - Prepper of Doomsday es un DLC que funciona con estos juegos


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