WWE 2K20 Originals: Bump in the Night

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  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 28/10/2019
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WWE 2K20 Originals: Bump in the Night is the first entry in the WWE 2K20 Originals series of downloadable content packs, each with a different theme that will introduce all-new imaginative realms to WWE fans, with new content for your favorite parts of WWE 2K. Bump in the night’s horror-themed centerpiece is “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt, and comes loaded with a horror-themed 2K Showcase, unique story towers, frightening versions of some of your favorite WWE Superstars, and more. Bump in the Night comes with 5 story towers, 2 creepy new arenas, the spooky new 2K Showcase at the Wyatt Compound, 9 playable characters, new superstar parts, new objects, and dozens of new character parts!

This item is included in the WWE 2K20 Deluxe Edition.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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