War Thunder - MiG-21 Bison Pack

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  • Fecha de lanzamiento : 19/06/2024
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter
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This pack includes:

MiG-21 Bison (Rank 8, Great Britain);
Premium account for 20 days;
2500 Golden Eagles.

The Indian MiG-21 Bison is a highly advanced export variant of the MiG-21bis, developed in the mid-1990s, and remained on active duty until 2023.

Being one of the most advanced MiG-21s of all time, the Bison model boasts several modern enhancements. Alongside its double-barreled 23 mm cannon and countermeasures, it comes equipped with several powerful missiles, including the R-73E IR missile and R-27R1 and R-27T1 radar missiles, which you can utilize effectively thanks to an advanced radar system. That’s not all — the Bison also features a helmet-mounted sighting system, which lets you fire missiles off-bore in the direction you’re looking! It can also equip several types of ground ordnance, including KAB-500Kr TV-guided bombs.

The MiG-21 Bison is a highly advanced machine, coupling a legendary airframe with modern technology.

All premium vehicles allow you to earn increased Research Points and Silver Lions for each battle and comes furnished with all available modifications.

With a Premium account (also purchasable in the game for Golden Eagles) you will earn more Research Points and Silver Lions during each battle for a set amount of days. This is cumulative with bonuses from premium vehicles!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

War Thunder - MiG-21 Bison Pack es un DLC que funciona con estos juegos


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