Anime Tube Unlimited

  1. Games
  • Application
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 26/10/2017
  • 0.34 Go

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Anime Tube is the #1 anime viewing app on the Windows Store!

Anime Tube is the only app on the store to offer you all of the following features:

º Access to 7 of the best anime sources on the internet
º Filtering by multiple genres including dubbed and subbed allowing you to find exactly the type of show you might be interested in
º Anime Tube stores all data on our cloud server to prevent overloading anime sources unlike other low quality anime apps
º Custom video player enables you to select from multiple video servers and from multiple resolutions
º Stream anime videos from live streaming sources
º Store favorites and video progress using your Microsoft Account and access from any device
º Chat with thousands of users to get anime suggestions and have fun!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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