Bomber Crew: American Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Release date : 12/03/2019

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Prepare your crew for their most dangerous mission yet and go chocks away for a sky-bound expedition in this strategic survival sim, Bomber Crew: American Edition.

Choose your crew; fit with procedurally generated names, skills and back stories, and jump in the cockpit of this immersive flight simulator where death is permanent and the odds are stacked against you!

Included in the Bomber Crew: American Edition is the USAAF DLC, featuring the iconic American Bomber! Pilot more crew members, engage in a new theatre of war, and fight new deadly foes from the air and seas in this all new content.

Bomber Crew: American Edition includes;
- Bomber Crew Base Game
- Bomber Crew USAAF DLC

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste des DLC disponible pour Bomber Crew: American Edition


List of items included in Bomber Crew: American Edition


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