Little Nightmares - Digital Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 28/04/2017

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Pre-purchase Little Nightmares to get the Scarecrow Sack and the Upside-down Teapot Masks to help Six blend in in The Maw.
Immerse yourself in Little Nightmares, a dark whimsical tale that will confront you with your childhood fears! Help Six escape The Maw – a vast, mysterious vessel inhabited by corrupted souls looking for their next meal. As you progress on your journey, explore the most disturbing dollhouse offering a prison to escape from and a playground full of secrets to discover. Reconnect with your inner child to unleash your imagination and find the way out!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Little Nightmares - Digital Edition

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Liste der inklusiven items in Little Nightmares - Digital Edition


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