Obey Me: Complete Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 20/11/2020

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Obey Me is a frantic 3D Brawler that revolves around a duo of misfit demons as they fight hordes of mutants, hellish fiends and angelical contraptions alike.

In a time and age much like our own, Heaven and Hell are locked in an eternal conflict where the souls of Mankind are at stake. Vanessa Held, a lowly Soul Huntress, and her Hellhound companion, Monty, could be the ones to tip the balance of the war with their own hands.

Embark on a journey in city fraught with peril, slashing, kicking and biting your way through hordes of foes, consuming their souls to unlock new combos, skills and transformations.

The complete edition includes all downloadable content released for the game in the one package!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Obey Me: Complete Edition

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Liste der inklusiven items in Obey Me: Complete Edition


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