Super Animal Royale Founder's Edition Bundle (Game Preview)

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  • Games
  • Data wydania : 01/06/2021

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This game is a work in progress. It may or may not change over time or release as a final product. Purchase only if you are comfortable with the current state of the unfinished game.

Support Super Animal Royale as a Founder and get 3 animal breeds and 10 cosmetics that are exclusive to Early Access and only available in the Founder's Edition. You'll also get your username colored in the orange founder's color to show that you were one of the original supporters of the game!

"Included Animal Breeds:
Super Hellfire Skullcat
Super Pixile Fox
Super Black Panther

Included Cosmetic Items:
Pixile Purple Tee
Pixile White Tee
Angel Halo
Charcoal Suit With Pixile Tie
White Shutter Shades
Heart Glasses
Golden M16
Golden Silenced Pistol
Juggling Roulette Emote
Fireworks Death Explosion

Neither animal breeds nor cosmetic items provide any gameplay advantage.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Lista DLC dostępna dla Super Animal Royale Founder's Edition Bundle (Game Preview)

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