Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man

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  • AddOns
  • Data di uscita : 04/12/2019
  • Strategy
  • 0.01 Go

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Rights of Man adds greater depth and detail to a host of game systems. New decisions, greater customization and added personality are all coming to the best-selling game about exploration, trade and conquest.

Features included:

Great Powers now have special diplomatic abilities: Don’t let your development lag while you expand, so you can make use of new threats and overtures to neighbors

Personalities and traits for monarchs and military leaders will add bonuses to your nation or assist you in battle

Queens can be generated by royal marriages, and serve as regents if an underage heir ascends to the throne

Subject nations can be given more specific instructions on how to behave at war

Fetishist nations can choose from a number of cults, and uncover new options as they wage war and make alliances

Coptic nations will be tasked with preserving their faith through the control of holy sites throughout the near east

Other Features, including a new faction system for Revolutionary Republics, a unique new government form for the Ottoman Empire, the ability to abdicate, allowing building in subject states, and debasing currency for quick cash

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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